Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The New Payroll Clerk (Case study in Instructions) Case

The New Payroll Clerk ( in Instructions) - Case Study Example Irene lacks knowledge of what to do, how and full details about her work package. As pointed out in the article, there lacks rules and procedures meant to fully orientate new employees. This makes the new employees feel detached and not part of the family. As noted in Siddiqui (2005), a bonded family of employees is more productive and satisfied with their work packages than in an organization which is marred with mere rules and regulations without adding value. Second, Irene suffers from a problem of harmony and coordination of activities. A productive and profitable organization values the value chain through improved business processes, for instance, taking quality improvement tools and techniques in order to improve quality of products and service that a company produces. It makes the firm posses a better competitive position and grows in the ever-growing competitive business environment (Muijen & Witte, 2000) Another problem is that work packages and roles are not clear. This is fueled by the nature of structure instituted that over emphases on rules and regulations, most of which are unpleasant and confusing. According to Martin (2002), rules are meant to establish and install a viable culture that will work to leapfrog the company’s missions of growth, survival and profitability. The organization should have a workable, flexible and yet stable working culture and structure that match the strategy and assist the company maximize value.

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