Saturday, August 3, 2019

Its Time to Bring Back Religion and School Prayer in Public Schools Es

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benjamin Franklin once declared, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As a nation becomes more corrupt and vicious they have more need of masters." In nineteen sixty-two the Supreme Court of the United States pronounced that a prayer recited in the public school was abusing our freedoms . In the court's opinion this was an act in violation to the first amendment, which calls for "a separation of church and state.'' This ruling was later extended to include the use of the Bible as well. A Supreme Court Justice, Hugo Black, put it in this often quoted statement "Neither a state or the Federal government can set up a church. Nor can pass laws that aid one religion, all religions, or prefer one religion over another. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adapt to teach or practice religion." (686)    This issue,"separation of church and state," is a cloudy topic in the eyes of the modern world, but in reality the only gray clouds are primarily a result of ignorance of the original intent of the Founding Fathers who put the phrase in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.    From the beginning of American government, state and legal papers, such as the Northwest Ordinance and state constitutions, were threaded with religion. In addition, many of the more eminent men who signed the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other important documents clarified their intent. John Witherspoon, as quoted by David Barton in The Works of John Witherspoon, said: " What follows from this? That he is the best friend to American Liberty, who is most sincere and active in pro... ... capable of freedom.    Works Cited Barton, David. Movie: Education and the Founding Fathers. Aledo, Texas: Wall Builders, 1991. Evans, Stanton.M.,"The Myth of Seperation: What Wall?", January, 1995, n. pag. Internet <>October 13, 1998. Parry, Skousen and Andres W. Allison. The Real George Washington. Washington, D.C. U.S., National Center for Constitutional Studies,1991. Skousen, Cleon, W. The Making of America. Washington D.C.:National Center of Constitutional Studis, 1986. Taylor, Earl, Jr. Letter to American Citizens.1 Oct, 1998. letter not documented. Ed. Earl Taylor. Malta, Idaho: National Center for Constitutional Studies, 1998. Taylor, Earl. "No Title" None given. 1, Oct. 1981 1A.<>/~NCCS-20 Oct. 1998.

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