Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Comments and suggestions Essay Example for Free

Comments and suggestions Essay People at authorities from different branches may need to meet on a regular period. Travel cost for representatives is an additional expense which could be controlled by implementing an internet based intranet. This intranet must have chatting capability which can facilitate online conferences. Authorities no longer need to travel to the main office; instead they can set down in front of their computers, log on to the website and talk to each other like what they do in conventional conferences or meetings. This not only eliminates travel expense, but it also promotes confidence for each person participating the meeting or conferences. Because he is at the same location where he is assigned, he’ll be able to produce situational reports at real time when necessary, and seek previous documents that was not initially told to prepare but was necessary in the meeting proceedings. People who travel might accidentally leave some important documents behind which will only result to unsuccessful participation. File sharing through File Transfer Protocol (FTP) An FTP system included in the internet based intranet can address the problem to achieve fast and reliable file and information sharing among different branches. This is very beneficial in file sharing and retrieval. Company-specific reports generated by the different information management systems installed in different departments can be directed to its FTP system. In this manner, FYC can achieve an organized information storage system. A person authorized to collect reports from different branches no longer need to call all branches simultaneously because the reports can already be retrieved through the FTP system attached to the intranet. Plus, retrieval of these reports can be accessible within a matter of seconds depending on the speed of the internet connection and the size of the files to be retrieved. This type of collection of reports ensures consistency of shared information especially in situations where one form of data or information is required to be disseminated to all branches. All in all, this is an effective time management and communication system for FYC. The ability to post Schedules and Messages This will achieve standardized calendar systems for all branches of FYC. Messages and schedules posted on the site is 99% accurate and safe since you can be sure that this information comes from those persons who are authorized to post it. Posting of messages and schedules once is more reliable than disseminating information through phone calls since an information officer might not consistently disseminate the information at all times. All you have to do is just key-in the information that needs to be posted. Comments and suggestions from different addressee can be posted as a forum thread which will help the top management to address problems that had arising in connection with any communication.

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