Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motivation - Essay Example Needs are the basis for the drives which is in turn seeking the attainment of certain set of incentives. A physiological or a psychological imbalance in a human leads to the creation of need for something. For e.g. need for water when a person is thirsty. However, a psychological need can also arise without any known deficiency as well as imbalance. For e.g. a person having a strong need for progress may move from success to success. Similarly in the case, employees of the cafe had certain needs which make them derive to achieve an incentive. However, with no interactions from the owners and no further incentive employees are highly de-motivated. Drivers or motives prompt individuals to attain their goals and satisfy their needs. A physiological drive is a condition which causes a person to work in a particular direction. Both physiological and psychological drives push an individual towards achieving a certain goal or accomplishing a certain task. For e.g. need for food and water is transformed into the drives of hunger and thirst. Anything that can motivate a need and decrease the intensity of drive is called an incentive. When a person obtains the incentive, the strength of the drive is reduced and physiological or psychological balance is restored. The owners of the cafe do not understand individualized problem of their employees. This is the root cause of all the motivational problems at the cafe. For e.g. in the case study it can be seen that the owner Simon had employed his own younger sister Penny Philips in the cafe. She had just completed her French Degree and wants to travel for finding a job as a translator. Now even her problems are not addressed by the owners even though one of them is her brother. This is the level of negligence that had been given to the cafe by Simon and Karen. Another reason for de-motivation of employees in the cafe is that by working they are just fulfilling their Physiological needs and there any other need is not being ful filled. The theory of hierarchy of needs by Maslow is often displayed in the form of pyramid. The most basic needs are shown at the lowest level of the pyramid whereas comparatively complex needs have been located at the top of pyramid. Needs that are at the bottom of pyramid are classified as basic physical requirements which include the need of water, sleep, food and warmth. As long as the needs of lower level are not met, the hierarchy does not move to the higher level, and once there lower level needs are met, people tend to move towards the next level in the needs hierarchy, which are known for safety and security. Humans have the common need to be respected and having self-esteem as well as self respect. This need is also known as belonging need. The esteem of a human presents his normal human desire that needs to be accepted as well as valued by others. Different people have need of engaging themselves for gaining recognition and having an activity or set of activities that g ives the person a near sense of contribution, of feeling accepted as well as self-valued, both in a profession and hobby. Now in the cafe these needs of employees are not being fulfilled which is acting as a de-motivating factor for them. Part 2 The owners will have to motivate its employees to stay in the job including finding a replacement for Penny. Simon and Karen needs to make this cafe a learning organization for its employees. Organizations constantly endeavor to make

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