Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Health and Fitness on nutrition needs for body Essay

Nutrition for athletes Journal of sports science. 22(1): 39-55. (2004) Journal on Timing of Energy and Fluid Intake. The journal I read says physical activity increases rate of energy and fluid loss. Your body needs fluid intake and food intake when you exercise if not it results in loss of fat free mass and it increases dehydration risk. The article states years or research says that a diet high in complex carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and relativity low in fat is best for both health and physical activity. Weight loss, weight gain, and weight stability are a matter of energy balance. It also states that you should consider that the weight of fat is not the same as the proportion of fat. Carbohydrates 7 to 8 g/kg body weight per day. Complex carbohydrates rather than sugars are preferred sources. Protein in adult’s 1-2g/kg body weight per day. Protein in a child is 2g/kg body weight per day. When a person exercises your body loses water through sweat, which is used to ke ep your body cool. That’s why when you are exercising its very important to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated so fluid intake is very important. Water helps regulate your body temp. Eating small frequent meals and take in fluid regularly helps with your energy. The more frequent the eating pattern, the lower the body fat and the higher the muscle mass. Frequent eating with smaller meals reduces the size of within day energy deficits and surpluses, helps to stabilize blood glucose, and also results in lower insulin release than calorically equivalent large meals. Excess weight and obesity are significantly more common among people who consume three or fewer meals a day than those having five or more daily eating/snacking opportunities. In general these finding all imply that the dynamics of energy intake and energy expenditure should be closely matched during the day. Sustaining blood volume is critical for maintaining the delivery of nutrients to cells, removal of metabolic byproducts from cells, and sustaining the sweat rate during physical activity. Everyone loses fluids while sweating. Heat dissipation through the evaporation of sweat is the primary mechanism for removing exercise associated heat. About 75 to 80% of the energy burned for muscular work is loss as heat and can result in a 20 times higher heat production during exercise than at rest. The same exercise done outdoors on a hot and humid day would require even more sweat loss to remove the excess heat because the evaporation of sweat is less efficient with high humidity. It is not uncommon for the fluid requirements of some athletes on such days to exceed 3 liters per hour. A person gets thirsty after about 1.5 l of body water. Thirst is a warning sensation that encourages drinking before body water drops to a critically low level. A person should drink small amounts frequently to avoid thirst. A person needs sodium when they loss sweat. Sodium also encourages a person to drink. My conclusion to this journal is that fluid intake is important while exercising. Your body sweats and fluids are needed. Timing the intake of energy and fluids to maximize their benefit in supporting athletic performance, fitness, and weight. Exercise uses energy and fluids which your body needs.

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