Thursday, September 12, 2019

Differences and similarities between any public and private Essay

Differences and similarities between any public and private organizations you are familiar with - Essay Example Private schools on the other hand are profit oriented and get their funding from their customers who are the parents in this case. The products and services in the private organization are furnished based on individual needs in exchange for direct payment or transaction (Tompkins, 2005). Secondly, public organizations are predominantly controlled by political forces while private sectors are controlled by market forces. Allocation of resources in public schools is through democratic means, and in private institutions it is through the price system. This enables the private schools to define their market and set achievable goals while the public institutions pursue goals set for them by legislatures (Tompkins, 2005). One similarity is that the managers in both schools have similar functions, to run the institutions internally. They both have an interest in running programs and activities that have been properly designed for them. This is done in order to use the organization’s resources efficiently and achieve the stated goals. They are concerned with meeting the staff needs, motivating employees, obtaining financing so as achieve the set goals (Shafritz, et al, 2005). Equity and efficiency is a fundamental aspect in both private and public schools. Public organizations are mostly government sponsored with significant emphasis on equity between the constituencies. In private the institutions, there is greater emphasis on efficiency and competitive performance (Shafritz, et al,

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