Monday, September 30, 2019

Smoking Is Harmful

Topic: Smoking is harmful â€Å"Smoking is harmful†. It is a very familiar slogan that you can easy to see in public places. However, there is a fact that, despite knowledge about smoking damage, the number of people who smoke is increasing day by day. Smoking causes many negative effects than people think. It affects not only health but also environment and society. First, it is harmful for both smoker and non- smokers. There are many toxic chemicals in tobacco cause cancer such as nicotine, monoxide carbon, ect.These chemicals have bad effect on nervous system, blood vessel and are the main reason of heart disease, cancer, memory damage. In addition, smoke is easy to spread in the air, therefore not only smoking people but also people around them are affected. That mean, when a person smokes, he is harming both himself and many people especially children. These people are call â€Å"passive smoking† people. Because immunize system of children doesn’t complete, they are easy to be affected by harmful factors from smoke. People who smoke in public places just show how inconsiderate they are towards others.They do not consider the affect smoking might have on them and how that will affect their family. Second, smoking also has bad effect on environment. The tobacco manufacture releases an amount of waste including a lot of toxic chemicals such as oils, plastic, nicotine, ect. These chemicals make water and soil as well as air in surrounding areas is contamination. Each year, tobacco manufacture releases million kilograms nicotine, one of toxic chemicals causes cancer and heart disease. In this time, this chemical may cause many effects on soil, water, even animal.Finally, not only health and environment but also society is affected a lot by smoking. First, smoking restrains economic development. Because of tax, tobacco is not cheap, so if a person smokes every day, he has to pay money for smoking. However, in fact, this is maybe much more mo ney because some kinds of cigarette have higher price and with addicted people, a pack of cigarettes a day is not enough. For person got married, wasting a lot of money for smoking a month affects much on economics of family, especially poor family.Consequently, economics of a country cannot develop when economics of family doesn’t develop. In addition, another problem of smoking is medical burden. Smoking causes many diseases and also kills a lot of people. Each year, there are about many people die because of diseases related to tobacco. Furthermore, each year, government has to spend a lot of money for health service in general and for treating diseases cause by tobacco in particular. It makes a big burden for government to solve smoking problem.There are not any benefits of smoking but serious effects in health, environment and society. It’s very important for people to realize the danger of smoking and give up it. All of us join together to make a world without sm oke. So before it is too late, young people should be discouraged from smoking. Stopping early may prove to be beneficial for smokers and their families. The decision to quit smoking is never easy for most people, so drug intervention may be necessary for them to be convinced that they should put away their cigarettes forever.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Banking Industry Meltdown Essay

Determine which moral philosophy (as discussed in chapter 6) is most applicable to an understanding of the banking industry meltdown Moral philosophy in business is hard to classify, especially in today’s economic times where there are government bailouts, loss of paying jobs, home foreclosures and the horrible real estate market. The banking industries near complete collapse can be closely linked to the mortgage crisis that has hit the United States but there are deeper issues that have lead to the banking industry meltdown. The banks acted with an egoism moral philosophy which has sometimes been described like a loan sharking operation, just legal. The banks pay very little interest to its depositing members for interest bearing accounts like 1% or even less than that while at the same time charging 15% to 35% on credit card balances. They do this because there is no limit placed on interest rates that a bank can charge by the federal government. The banks feel this is right or acceptable behavior in terms of their individual financial institutions maximizing their own interest. Due to these financial instruments put in place by the banks and not think about the possible consequences they presented if consumers defaulted on these loans. The downfall was never even examined by the banks or its investors, and it came to catch up with them in 2008-2009 with the economic downturn. No one cared to think ahead, thinking they had a fool proof plan that couldn’t fail because the insurance policy derivatives presented. Banks and investors carried themselves with Ego that displayed they couldn’t fail. However, as the case revealed in 2008-2009 the housing market tumbled due to consumers not being able to make payment on their variable rate mortgages leaving the real estate market overheated. Since banks and investors made decisions that seemed to maximize their own self-interest they acted in an egoism moral philosophy manner. Analyze the case study and discern if the â€Å"white collar† crimes committed differ in any  substantive manner from other more â€Å"blue collar† crimes White-collar crimes are mainly defined as illicit acts perpetuated by a person with a high and respectable social statu s in the course of his or her profession or occupation. This is basically related to the social idea relating the concept of white-collar jobs to professional fields In the modern criminology field, white-collar crimes is defined and identified based under two basis and reference namely by the type of offense and the type of offender. The first reference involves acts related to property issues, economic aspect, law violations and others are considered as white-collar crimes as these cases involve professional degree and culture. The second is based from the type of offender wherein the social class and personal stature of the criminal are considered. Some of the common manifestations of this form of crime are fraud, bribery, computer crime, forgery, insider trading embezzlement, and others. â€Å"Blue collar crimes are looked at in the more traditional manner as acts that are mostly offensive and violent in a physical nature such as theft, harassment, and murder. In this case derivatives were the main culprit that were used to commit the â€Å"white collar† crimes against its victims (stakeholders and customers). The crimes committed by the banks in my opinion were no different. Any crime is basically an illicit act that is illegal and forbidden by the law in which is punishable, â€Å"blue collar† or â€Å"white collar,† the crimes committed I feel are the same in any manner. Though the crimes were not of a physical nature they still caused harm to those who were affected by the crimes that were committed. For this reason I feel that the â€Å"white collar† crimes that were committed were no different in a substantive manner than â€Å"blue collar† crimes that are committed. Determine and discuss the role that corporate culture played in the banking industry scenario Corporate culture and social responsibility is good for business, as social, environmental, and ethical issues have been increasingly climbing up the list of priorities of business agendas and strategy. Culture makes every organization unique and bonds members of an organization together. The culture of the organization verifies what behaviors and ideas are acceptable and appropriate. Corporate culture is defined as a set of values, norms, and artifacts, including ways of solving problems that members (employees) of an organization share. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell 2011). The corporate culture could have  played a huge role in the banking industry scenario as ethics and social responsibility should be important to all businesses and business people. The banking industry had a decision to make and they chose to disregard their ethical responsibilities which helped contribute to the downfall of the banking industry in 2008-2009. If the banks had followed a more ethical corporate culture they would have been less likely to make the unethical decisions that they made. They should have adhered to the tradition and history of their respective financial institutions and considers their investors, stakeholders, and customers before making the decisions that they made. If they would have taken the time to do this they would have taken the time to further investigate and evaluate the possible ramifications of their actions and possibly look for alternatives that may have averted the banking industry meltdown that followed. Postulate how leaders within the banking industry could have used their influence to avert the industry meltdown A lack of business ethics is definitely partly to blame for the United States current financial woes, and it was the absence or complete disregard for them by the leaders in the banking industry that led to the banking industry meltdown. Self-regulation should not be underestimated, as from it you get a strong corporate culture that tells leaders what is right and wrong, leading to the consideration of not just themselves (the banking institution) but the investors, stakeholders, and customers. The egoism philosophy which I feel the banks adopted would have been replaced with more of a utilitarianism philosophy making decisions that would benefit the most persons involved. The leaders in the banking industry were just the opposite of what we are calling them â€Å"leaders,† because if they took the responsibility and truly led they could have used their stature to influence decisions that could have help avoid the banking industry meltdown. Follow the leader; is what I relate this particular situation to, as if banking industry leaders would have stood up and put their voice to doing the right ethical thing setting the standard for not only themselves and their bank but the others they could have adverted the banking meltdown. Follow the leader; is what I relate this particular situation to, as if banking industry leaders would have stood up and put their voice to doing the right ethical thing setting the standard for not only themselves and their bank(s), but the others they could have adverted the banking meltdown. The  leaders could have used the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to back their decision and should have taken a bigger stand. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is an accounting overseeing measure to ensure efficient corporate governance and maintaining the confidence of investors. It also requires that the businesses to assume responsibility for transparency in financial reporting. If the leaders would have taken this stand they could have set a standard and influenced the banking industry to make better decisions. If the leaders within the banking industry would have used their influence they could have possibly avert the industry meltdown. I will not say that these actions will have averted the meltdown as no one can predict the future as anything could happen, all we can do is to rationally and ethically evaluate all possible scenarios, develop and implement plans to try and prevent meltdowns like the one in 2008-2009. Bibliography Thomas, Huw November 29, 2012 Principles for enhancing corporate governance, October 2010, ISBN 92-9131-844-2 (print); Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2008). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases US: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Haig, M. (2005)., Conference on the State of the U.S. and World Economies—â€Å"Meeting the Challenges of the Financial Crisis† By Janet L. Yellen, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, April 16, 2009

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What are the differences between Wrongful Interference with a Essay

What are the differences between Wrongful Interference with a Contractual Relationship and Wrongful Interference with a Business Relationship - Essay Example It is also applicable where the tortfeasor goes against one party to perform his commitments under the agreement, accordingly keeping the offended party from getting the promised performance. The exemplary example of this tort happens when one party impels an alternate party to break an agreement with an outsider, in circumstances where the first party has no benefit to go about as it does and acts with information of the existence of the agreement. Such lead is termed tortious incitement of break of contract (Cross et al. 2012). The difference between wrongful interference with contractual and business relationship is very clear. To begin, wrongful inference with business happens where the offender acts in prevention of a plaintiff from establishing business relationship successfully. This tort may happen when the first party intentionally acts to cause the second party to stop pursuing a particular business line or enter into a business relationship with a third party, which would otherwise occurred. Such acts are considered as wrongful or tortious inference with a prospective business expectation, or merit or prospective financial benefit (John & Lawrence, 2000). Secondly, under the contract basis, the injured party sometime strives and becomes capable of recovering the actual damages for the direct and natural consequences of the breach. The injured party may also recover for damages, which were within the scrutiny of the contracting parties. The indemnities recoverable for wrongful interference are not measured through contract rules. Nonetheless, the injured party can convalesce from the tortfeasor: the contract’s financial forfeiture of the paybacks; far-reaching losses that the interference is termed as legal cause; and, emotional distress. In fact, emotional distress refers to the actual harm to reputation if they are judiciously to be anticipated to come up with as a result of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

M8A1 Corporate Social Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M8A1 Corporate Social - Essay Example One of the current trends in CSR is the emergency of green manufacturing through energy efficient technologies and reduction of raw material wastage in the manufacturing process (Mullerat, 2010). Corporations have undertaken measures to re-engineer the operations in order to make them more eco-friendly and sustainable. May, Cheney & Roper (2007) asserts that a majority of the multinational companies use recyclable packaging, renewable energy sources and have minimized pollution levels occasioned by their operations. In addition, many corporations have contributed heavily to social causes such as disease prevention, education and sanitation in order to ensure positive social impact in the communities. (Amao, 2011). The corporations have encouraged employees to volunteer in social causes of their choice. Another common trend that is evident is the increase in CRS reporting and engagement. Many companies have created CSR departments that are supposed to collect data and prepare annual CSR reports and the impact on the company activities on the social environment (Amao, 2011). CSR has been integrated in the non-financial reporting in order to create awareness that the business is a responsible company that caters for the needs of all stakeholders. Many companies have implemented the ISO 14000 environmental management standard and Global Pact standards that aim at ensuring social sustainability (Asongu, 2007). There is increasing use of the social media in CSR activities of the companies. Many businesses have formed online blogs and discussion forums that are used to understand the ideas and suggestions of the stakeholders (Mullerat, 2010). The thirsty for information and environmental activism has forced companies to report their CSR activities through the social media in order to maintain the regular engagement with the stakeholders (May, Cheney & Roper, 2007). However, it is worthy noting that the government has increased its oversight and regulatory

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Confronting Gender Inequality in Botswana Essay

Confronting Gender Inequality in Botswana - Essay Example Many of the government’s Western-influenced programs have addressed, but failed to root out, ancient customs that continue to challenge the country’s attempts to achieve equality. Customary inequality: Gender disparity among married women Botswana’s legal system operates in an awkward and impractical two-track paradigm, with cultural laws and customs existing alongside the nation’s common law. The conflict inherent in this system allows traditional gender inequality to exist in spite of anti-discriminatory laws passed by the government in recent years, written expressly to establish a gender-neutral social system. Botswana’s traditional law remains â€Å"particularly prejudicial to women’s rights, perpetuating unequal power relations between men and women and strengthening stereotypes on (Name) 2 the role of women† (Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, BOCONGO, 2009). The Domestic Violence Act was passed in 2008 but unequal power rela tions persist between men and women. This law criminalized acts of violence against women, but the fundamental conflict between tribal/customary and common law has frustrated efforts to legislate equality between the sexes. In Botswana, even today, â€Å"under customary law and common rural practices men are perceived to have the right to ‘chastise’ their wives† (Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, BOCONGO, 2009). At present, the law sets 18 as the minimum marriage age. But traditional practice honors no such age limit and considers women of all ages to be minors, extending no individual financial or property rights. Worse, married women who experience physical violence of some form have very few practical rights. A 2009 United Nations report indicated that three of every five women in Botswana have experienced some kind of domestic violence. The minimum punishment for rape is 10 years in prison, but marital rape is not a criminal offense. There is no provision in the law requiring victims to be tested for rape and, as of 2010, there was only one domestic violence shelter in operation (Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, 2009). In a 2010 statement to the 45th session of the Convention of the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Botswana Ambassador Boometswe Mokgothu reported that the country recognizes the importance of addressing the problem at its source. To that end, the government has embarked on a â€Å"sensitization† campaign aimed at the guardians of the country’s tribal customs, the Ntlo ya Dikgosi. â€Å"Sensitization of the Dikgosi is very important (Name) 3 to solicit their support, especially that some of the discriminatory and harmful practices that impact negatively on women and development are found in this area† (Mokgothu, 5). Addressing the problem at the tribal level stands out as a remarkably enlightened and progressive tactic aimed at effecting change at the source. It is essentia l that the government continue to establish long-term working partnerships with tribal leaders if true gender equality is to be maintained. Young, pregnant and uneducated: Seeking educational equality for pregnant teens In Botswana, pregnancy is one of the main reasons young women drop out of school.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dravid Luis and His Oppinions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dravid Luis and His Oppinions - Essay Example According to the paper the number of estimates that he has obtained seems to be a little low considering that worth of the equipment that is being evaluated amounts to millions of dollars. Or he can consult another accountant regarding alternative options that may be offered to Jimmy Westfield to settle their difference in evaluating the worth of the equipment. As the discussion stresses utilitarianism is basically the greatest happiness principle which holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness or pleasure and wrong if they tend to produce pain. Â  However, it is important to note that there are two kinds of utilitarianism- act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. In act utilitarianism the consequence of the act should produce the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people while rule utilitarianism means that we should act so that the rules governing our action produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. With utilitarianism as the ethical framework, we now analyze Dravid Luis’ going along with Jimmy Westfield’s desire to record the equipment at net realizable value.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nutritional Care Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional Care Plan - Essay Example Harvey (2011) explains that â€Å"overnutrition is an unfavorable health condition in which at least one nutrient is supplied in an amount that exceeds the bodys requirements for normal metabolism, growth and development.† The Test Lab Online (2011) adds that overnutrition is a serious medical problem in pregnancy because â€Å"chronic overnutrition can lead to obesity and to metabolic syndrome, a set of risk factors characterized by abdominal obesity, a decreased ability to process glucose (insulin resistance), dyslipidemia, and hypertension.† This essay shall focus on abdominal obesity in pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association (2011), woman who had BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 before pregnancy is required to gain weight of 1 – 4.5 pounds during the first trimester. However, after just two weeks, the woman came back to the hospital with a weight gain of 7.7 pounds. This was still at the early stages of the pregnancy and therefore constituted an excessive weight of 3.2 pounds. Further biochemical test showed that the albumin level of the woman was 5.8 g/dl, which was almost above normal. The interpretation is that the woman was suffering from overnutrition. Clinical assessment however revealed that the integrity of the woman’s skin was intact. When dietary assessment of the patient’s daily intake of food was done, it was realized that the woman had been misinformed to start taking in more protein and fat and extra mineral with the intention of helping her fetus grow better. Medications were suggested for the patient based on her cultural and socioeconomic background. It must be reiterated that medications or drugs come into the treatment of over nutrition as a last resort and especially when the patient’s case has resulted in obesity. Some commonly acceptable medications in medical circles include Orlistat, Sibutramine, Rimonabant, Metformin, Exenatide, Pramlintide

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mills Paper (Sociology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mills Paper (Sociology) - Essay Example Depending on family and relationship history forms of violence differ by cause, etiology, manifestation, and impact. Although an act of violence, a â€Å"hit,† directed at a current or former intimate partner may appropriately be labeled â€Å"intimate partner violence,† as Sue Osthoff explained, â€Å"a hit is not a hit. Context matters. A lot. A whole lot† (2002:1540). Not all â€Å"hits† are created equal. In recent years, and increasingly, practitioners, researchers, and advocates, are considering distinctions among types of violence and specifically re-asserting and clarifying violence as a particular dynamic. From the perspective of Mill’s personal trouble, violence is characterized by a systemic pattern of behavior (rather than isolated acts of violence) that establishes dominance over another person typically through intimidation, coercion, isolation, and terror-inducing violence and threats of violence (Dutton & Goodman, 2005:748). Power an d control are central as motives for and impact of violence. The language of â€Å"coercive control† or â€Å"coercion† has also been used to describe the phenomenon of violence (Dutton & Goodman, 2005:748). Kelly and Johnson (2008) described coercive controlling violence (a concept previously labeled patriarchal terrorism and then intimate terrorism ) as â€Å"emotionally abusive intimidation, coercion, and control coupled with physical violence against partners† (Kelly & Johnson, 2008:478). Violence as â€Å"a personal trouble† is most often chracterized with battering, a term that has been used in some cases as a synonym for any violence against an intimate partner, regardless of context. Battering may, and typically does, include distinct acts of violence, however not all acts of violence are a component of battering (Osthoff, 2002:1535). Non-battering violence might include

Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Highschool Is Essay Example for Free

What Highschool Is Essay Theodore R. Sizer in his essay What High School Is begins with an illustration, a detailed account of the opening of the day at a high school, following one student named Mark, sixteen years of age, as he arrives at school, greets his friends, and goes to class. This section is a rather dry recitation of his schedule on this particular day, with some vivid descriptions of the classes, the other students, and the different elements of the school day. This entire section runs four and a half pages and serves as the introduction to the entire essay. This is a daring and not entirely satisfactory approach. There is nothing ahead of this description to assure the reader that the entire essay will not consist of this detailing of one students day, though in fact the essay has something else in mind if it can hold the attention of the reader until the author gets to it. He might have offered some more traditional introductory remarks to indicate that he has a purpose in telling this lengthy story, which would gain him mileage with many, but instead he just launched into it and continues through to the end of the day. After this, of course, comes what might be considered a more The reading What High School Is by Theodore R. Sizer accurately depicts an average day for a high school student, but fails to show some of the most critical things about what high school is. A large portion of the reading tells about the average day of a student named Mark. This portion of the story is the focus of my response. Although the description of his day is pretty accurate, it fails to show the emotion and feelings of that day. The story only describes what he does in his classes and not what he thinks about those classes. The story over simplifies what high school is to each individual student. Although most students probably follow about the same schedule, the way that student reacts towards his classes, teachers, students, and administrators varies greatly. While one student might enjoy his or her schedule and teachers, another student with the same classes might hate school because of it. Another very significant part of high school that Sizer fails to mention is the so cial aspect. One of the MOST important skills learned in high school is social interaction. Sizer barely mentions that the part of the day that most students learn the most, and look forward to the most, is their lunch and passing periods. Most students opinions on high school and whether or not it was a good experience for them greatly depends upon how well they can socialize during these times of the day. If a person was to ask an outcast what they thought of their high school they would most likely relate the experience as a negative one. However, if a person was to ask someone who even had some social interactions that person would most likely have had a positive high school experience. Overall, Sizer does a good job of showing the class experiences of a student but fails to even mention one of the most important factors in that students high school career, their social interactions.i completely agree with you on the part about high school experience, and that is something that always differs from all of us. now going back to what schools are doing it can clearly be seen that depending on the location of the school, it is how the kids would learn to be socially aware citizens and critical thinkers. unfortunately not many of the schools are doing this.. but why? should we let our kids fail on their own so that they become responsible? I think its fine that the author didn’t include Marks feelings or how high school social life is very important. Thats not the focus of his essay. He is pointing out that the public education system is failing to provide true scholastic and humanistic substance for students. Schools say they want to teach moral and ethical values and self-realization to students, but do very little in those stated goals. Yes, a lot of us have had wholesome high school experiences but thats because weve made great friends and been around great people. What about great teachers or administators? What are they doing to give students a valuable education experience?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Religion and Filipino Mothers Essay Example for Free

Religion and Filipino Mothers Essay Rizal’s Reminders on Equality, Self – Respect and True Spirit of Religion 1. The tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part of others. 2. What makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and abject fear of one who holds one in contempt. 3. Ignorance is servitude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not think for himself and allows himself to be guided by the thought of another is like a beast led by a halter, 4. He who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman, because he who refuses protection to others will find himself without it. 5. If the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more children, let her merely give birth to them. She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray husband, child, native, land and all. 6. All men are born equal, naked, without bonds. God did not create man to be a slave; nor did he endow him with intelligence to have him hoodwinked or adorn him with reason to have deceived by others. 7. Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you. See whether it is the will of God or according to the teachings of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated. In summary, Rizal ‘s Letter To the Young Women of Malolos focused on five major points (Zaide Zaide, 1999) 1. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowman. 2. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like Spartan mothers to offer their sons in defense of their country. 3. Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor. 4. Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining their good radical values. 5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is living the real Christian way with good morals and manners.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Food Culture in Malaysia and Japan

Food Culture in Malaysia and Japan The growing, rearing and processing of foodstuffs seems to have held a special fascination since the nineteenth century. Food and beverage industry has really growth and moving positively if compare to the preceding years, which is from the number of restaurant that opens day by day. There is a vast variety of restaurants with the different types of cuisine in Malaysia that representing different country and culture by offers an exciting array of food outlets, from fast food to fine dining and everything in between. Local food alone offers Malay, Cantonese, Szechuan, Indian and Nyonya cuisine while international food covers the gamut from Japanese to Middle-Eastern, Italian and American. Today, more people are excited to experiment and explore each restaurant that just opened. Moreover, due to the lifestyle and trends, more people are eating out rather than cook at home. For instance: Recently, more and more Japanese restaurants have been opened around Malaysia. Every restaurant trie s to bring up a new concept and originality to their brand. As the time goes by, people are more selective nowadays. They would like to choose a good quality food, with a good portion, with a good branding, and willing to pay with a reasonable price. There are some students are willing to pay high price for one meal because they want to try a new restaurant or a new cuisine with a good quality of the food. Thus, all restaurants have to try their best to meet the customers expectations. Besides that, they also have to recognize every aspect of their business has an impact on customer service because involve face to face customer contact and the supply in food has growing day by day. Each restaurant has to boost them self to improving customer service that involves making a commitment to learning what our customers needs and wants are, and developing action plans that implement customer friendly processes. The writer finds this issue interesting because nowadays people often ask the simple question like Where are we going to eat? I love Japanese foods especially sushi. Where can I get a delicious sushi with ideal price, good service and good place to hang out? When people decide to choose a Japanese restaurant, there are some factors that influence their decision making, such as customers emotion, satisfaction and brand loyalty. It is very important to know customers behavior in order to build a long term relationship. Therefore, the writer has chosen the title An assessment of Sushi Zanmai Malaysia popularity among university college students. There are three different concepts of Japanese restaurant that owe by SuperSushi Sdn Bhd Company which are: 1st Concept: Sushi Zanmai that began since in April, 1997, the genuine conveyer-sushi restaurant. There are several outlets of Sushi Zanmai which are in Sunway Pyramid, The Gardens, One Utama and Low-Yat. 2nd Concept: Sushi Zen that began since in September, 2007, a casual kiosk-style Japanese restaurant. 3rd Concept: Pasta Zanmai that began since in December, 2007, a Japanese Casual Pasta Restaurant. Within this short period, this company has developed the restaurant very fast, from one concept into another concept. The purpose of this research is: To identify factors that influence people selecting Sushi Zanmai as a sushi restaurant To identify current trends of Japanese food To recommend measures that could help to improve current condition PART 1: LITERATURE AND REVIEW 1.1 Food Culture in Malaysia Malaysia has a combined population of over 18 million people. Because of its central location, between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. Malaysia has traditionally been a meeting point for traders and travelers from both the East and West, it also has produced a most diverse culinary melting pot. As a result, Malaysia has a multicultural and multiracial population consisting of three main group which are Malays, Chinese, Indians and numerous indigenous peoples. With such a varying ethnic composition, it is no surprise that a great diversity of religions is prevalent throughout Malaysia. In Malaysia, eating out is really a gastronomic adventure. A blend ofcultural and ethnic histories which make up Malaysias diverse population is reflected in the broad range of influences and flavours found in Malaysian cuisine. And each state in Malaysia has something to offer in terms of culinary delights. For instance: Penang, the famous in hawker stall haven, where all the most delicious food requires that only costs as little as RM 3.50 per dish, such as Penang Char Kway Teow, Fried Oyster, Laksa, etc. Mallaca is also home to Baba Nyonya food, which served in quaint cafes in historical shop houses. Or in Kuala Lumpur, the most diverse offering of foods from all over the world, such as Chinese cuisine, Indian cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Thailand cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine, European cuisine, Arabian cuisine, etc. With mixed origins, there are certain ingredients common to many dishes in Malaysia. Multiple varieties of rice and noodles, which are from local or imported from Thailand, Japan or India, are often used as a base. The Malays include a lot of seafood in their diet, like fish, squids, prawns and crabs that used to show up in Malay dishes. And most of Malaysian dishes use fish sauce or fish paste because fish live is around the shores of Malaysias islands. Fresh herbs and roots are commonly used to cook Malays food.ÂÂ   Indian and Thai curry spices with regional varieties are often used to create rich and spicy curry dishes. A dried spice is also form an important component of Malays cooking. Moreover, in a city of Malaysia which is Malacca was one of the great trading centers of the spice in the fifteen century. And Coconut is another favorite ingredient which is also common found in countless dishes. For instance: Santan(the coconut milk), to make creamy curries. It is to add sa vory sweetness of the dishes and to cool the fire of hotter spices. Today, rice is the staple for almost half the worlds population, particularly in parts of China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Southeast Asia. According to historians, they believe that is was first domesticated in the area covering the foothills of Eastern Himalayas (Northeastern India), and stretching through Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Southern China. From here, it spread in all directions and human cultivation created numerous varieties of rice. According to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), based in Philippines, there are 120.000 varieties of rice worldwide. Over the centuries, there are three main types of rice developed in Asia, depends on the content of the grain which is: Amylase means an enzyme that breaks starch down into sugar Rice has divided into three (3) which are long grain, medium grain and short grained varieties. In this case, different populations, consumer different varieties of rice. Foods through the day in Malaysia are three meals a day and rice is almost always included, even at breakfast. For instance, Nasi Lemak. A typical meal consists of rice served with soup, curries, and a few vegetable stir-fries and also eaten fruit for dessert. A typical of Malay lunch and dinner was all dishes are placed in the center of the table to be shared by all the diners and usually the Malay food is often eaten with the hands. There are similar eating pattern within Japanese and Malaysia, which the main staple is rice and it is eaten with almost every meal. The meal features is quite same, such as the tastes of sweet, sour, spicy, bitter and salty. Like Chinese style wheat noodles served in meat stock known as Ramen have become extremely popular over the last century and Malaysian like to consume noodles. Follow by seafood, as Japan is surrounded by sea as same as Malaysias islands. Therefore, When Japanese cuisine comes to Malaysia, the food itself easily accepted by Malaysian. 1.2 Background of Japanese Food Culture The rice-centered food culture of Japan evolution follows the introduction of wet rice cultivation from Asia more than 2000 years ago. The cultivation and consumption of rice has always played a central role in Japanese food culture. The tradition of Japanese is usually rice served with seasonal vegetables; fish and other marine products reached a highly sophisticated form in the Edo period (1600-1868) and remains the vibrant core of native Japanese cuisine. In the century and a half since Japan reopened to the West, Japan has developed an incredibly rich and varied food culture which includes not only native Japanese cuisine but also many foreign dishes. Some adapted to Japanese tastes and some imported more or less unchanged. In the 6th century, introduction of Buddhism to Japan became the official religion of the country and the eating of meat and fish were prohibited. The first recorded decision prohibiting the eating of cattle, horses, dogs, monkeys and chicken was issued by Emperor Temmu in A.D.675. Laws and emperor eliminate the eating of almost all flesh of animals and fowl because based on Buddhism are prohibiting to killing. In the 15th century, many of the foods and food ingredients eaten by Japanese nowadays, for instance: miso, tofu or soy sauce. In the 16th century, the combination of Spanish and Portuguese frying technique with Chinese method for cooking vegetables in oil led to the development of tempura, the popular Japanese dish in which seafood and many types of vegetables with deep fried method. In the early 19th century, the development in Edo, the introduction of sushi has started. Todays, most of people are familiar with that dishes. It made from vinegar rice top or combined with raw fish and shellfish. And during that time, sushi was sold from stalls as a snack food, and that stalls were become the starter of todays sushi restaurants. In the mid 19th century, many of new cooking and eating customs were introduced where the most important being eating the meat. Consider of Japanese dish, Sukiyaki that consist of beef, vegetables, tofu and other ingredients cook at the table in a soup stock of soy sauce, sweet sake and sugar was first served in Western style restaurants. Another dish that popular during this period is Tonkatsu, means a deep fried bread pork cutlets. In the early 20th century, using Indian curry powder, Japanese curry rice (kareraisu) became very popular dish which consisted vegetables, meat or seafood with a thick curry sauce and served with rice. In generally at sushi restaurants, costumers will sit at the counter and call out their order item to a sushi chef. Or sit at Conyever belt where the customers can grab small plates in front of you, or call a special order if you do not see what you want on the belt. Or customers can sit on tatami mats. And as like Chinese, Japanese also ate with chopsticks to transfer the food. The rice bowl is not held as closely to the mouth. Soups are consumed directly from the bowl and the only dish eaten with a spoon is an unsweetened egg custard which known as chawanmushi. There are several ways to describes the differ of Japan cuisine from other cuisine, First, portion of the dish are small because it is to capture the diners attention with the freshness, natural flavor, the beauty of each dish, the atmosphere and the whole meal. Second, the food for a meal is served at once, so diners receive their own portions on individual plates and bowls instead of serving family style from large bowls in the middle of table. Third, Japanese use less oil which to emphasize the light and natural flavor of the food. And now, development of Japanese restaurant that opened more and more in Malaysia. It can be cause of the trends between among the Malaysia. There is similarity between Malaysia cuisine and Japanese cuisine that makes Malaysia is easier to accept. Other reason is Malaysian are quite open minded with those culture. 1.3 Food affecting consumers towards selection of food There are numerous factors that affect consumers towards selection of food, whether it is made by individuals or other parties. Food choices are influenced by many interacting factors which are income, culture, the concern about health, values, religion or even genetic. Many operational models have been developed to describe these influences that including The Lifestyle Model of dietary habits (Pelto, 1981), which attempts to explain how these factors interact to result in specific food behaviors. Societal Factors: Food Production and Distribution System is responsible for the availability of foods which differs from region to region and country to country. Food availability influences and in turn is influenced by the socio-economic and political systems. These serve to control the production and distribution of food in culture. Government policy may also be involved with the purchasing power of consumers through programs such as the oversight of food quality through safety standards, nutrition labeling requirements and other production programs (JoslingRitson, 1986) Lifestyle Factors: Income (limits what foods can be purchased) ÂÂ ® Occupation (influences food habits in several ways, for instance: the location of the job also influence meal patterns) ÂÂ ® Education (the status and self-realization phase of food use are usually, through not always dependent on higher levels of education) ÂÂ ® Nutrition Knowledge (may or may not translate into knowledge based behavior, and greater influence over what someone eats than what the person knows about nutrition) ÂÂ ® Ethnic identity (a distant heritage that has been modified or lost over the generations through acculturation) ÂÂ ® Rural-Urban (place of residence may affect which foods people eat) ÂÂ ® Religious Beliefs (depends on what religion, may have a great impact on food habits or may have no influence at all) ÂÂ ® Health (specific foods are often credited with health promoting qualities, such as ginseng in Asia) ÂÂ ® Physiological (age,gender,body image, and state of health)A ll of influence lifestyle factors are affects food habits. 1.4 Factors affecting popularity of Japanese food towards university college student The marketing mix is the set of marketing tools which often summarized as the four Ps that the firm uses to achieve its objectives in target markets (McCarthy, 2001). And most marketing professionals would say that the right marketing mix is the one that maximizes customers satisfaction and results in the highest sales or market share. Product It is defined as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or a want. Step one; this product emerges will come from an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. There are two classifications of product: Tangible product Goods Intangible product Services For a restaurant, the goods are food and beverage outlets offered and the service is the customer service. Consequently, it is logically to include services within the definition of the product. (David Jobber) Step two; is a detailed analysis of the target market to assess the nature of the opportunity, what is its size and potential? How strong is the competition and how is it likely to evolve in the future? Step three; is research into the needs of prospective customers, what is it that customers actually want? According to Hamel and Prahalad, 1991, today, this goes beyond merely asking customers, what are the customer looking for, but creatively seeking to discover needs that customers cannot articulate because the customers are unaware of the possibilities offered by new technologies and the changing environment. People will always seek a restaurant that offering excellent food, especially when the restaurant have a good service, value and ambiance. People satisfy their needs and wants with products. Thus, the product is the main thing for a company because without products there is nothing to market or sell. And when a customer decides to buy a product, the customer will look for certain characteristics. The customer will want to know how many different products that offered by restaurant, which one provides a more interesting savings and what is included in the product. Product must have the power to leave a good impression and interest so the customer will not hesitate to visit the restaurant for the second time. Price It is defined as what the product or service costs to the customer or the amount that customers are willing to pay for a product and service. In order hand, price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue. And setting a price for a product is very important. Price has a very strong impact on sales volume and market share; empirical studies (reviewed in Tellis, 1988; and Sethuraman and Tellis, 1991) have shown that, for most products, price elasticity is substantially higher than advertising elasticity. The company will need to set a price that the customer can afford and willing to pay and at the same it will help the company to achieve a good level of profits. When a customer asks about the price of a product, the customer also interested in knowing is there any discounts or special promotions. Therefore, no matter how good the product, how creative the promotion or how efficient the place or distribution, unless price covers costs the company will make a loss. (David Jobber, 2004) For instance, if the price is expensive, regular students will not be able to afford it and will think to have their meals in other restaurant. Nowadays, customers are concern about the price of their food and tend to compare the price to another restaurant. The customer will evaluate whether the value of the product is worth the amount that the customer are paying, because customers are always strongly influenced by price. Price often fulfills two functions simultaneously: it reflects the sacrifice that the buyer must make in order to acquire the product or service involved and it also acts as a signal of the quality of the product (Monroe, 1990) Another consideration is where pricing have the relationship between price and perceived quality, because many people use price as an indicator of quality. According to David Jobber, the more value a product gives compared to that of the competition, the higher the price that can be charged. Price should accurately key to the value to the customer. The sacrifices that made by the customer is in order to experience the benefits of a product, thus from the restaurant itself have to give the best for the customer. Place It is defined as place or distribution as a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product available for use or consumption by customers. Or the company activities that make the product available to target customers. The dimensions of place are channels, assortment, location, inventory and transport. (Borden, 1984) For instance: Location, where customer can obtain the product so distribution channels are the key to this area. And in fact, many restaurant companies believe that location has become the most important factor to success. Warnaby and Dominic, 2004 highlight the advantages of shopping in town centers. Thus, the company will need to find ways to bring the products to customers and make the product easy to access to the customers. For instance: Convenience that is also important issue in food outlet patronage which the time and speed service is required, in order to satisfied the customers need and want. Place or distribution considerations play a major role in influencing customer motives. In the marketing of consumer goods, the role is to ensure that the product is available to the consumer when and where it is needed and in sufficient variety and quantity. Promotion It is defined as the activities that communicate the merits of the products and persuade target customers to buy or use the products. Company need to plan promotional activities properly in order to create awareness of potential customers. It is where advertising and communications are used to encourage customers uptake of the product or service. Promotion has several types of tools which are: Advertising, Sales promotion (discounts, coupons), Publicity, Word of Mouth, Personal Selling, Merchandising, Sponsorship and etc. The main reason why promotion is so important is to communicate with individuals, groups or organizations. Through promotion, the message like information about products or services can be communicated to existing and potential customers. Promotions can strengthen brand positioning. A 1985 study by Frankel and Co. and Perception Research Services found that, following exposure to adverts featuring promotions for a brand, consumers opinion of the brand( issues like quality, value and caring about customers ) improved by over 8 percentage compared to those exposed to only brand sell adverts. In other words, it must have the right facilities and services (product) and make them easily accessible to guests (place) with the proper amount of promotion and the right price. (David Abbey, 2003) Japanese food-Korean food Japanese and Korean foods are popular and are made of similar ingredients. However, the foods have their own taste, recipe and way of eating. Even though Korean food and Japanese food seems to be similar, both of them have their specialties. Japanese food and Korean food seems to be similar because they use same ingredient. For example, both of them use onions, green onions, red peppers, raw fish, and rice. Koreans and Japanese enjoy eating raw sliced fish, which are sushi and sashimi. Sushis ingredients are boiled rice, and raw sliced fish and sashimis ingredient is just as raw sliced fish. In addition, Korean and Japanese rice is the same. However, Korean and Japanese food is not totally same. Koreans tend to make food spicier and saltier than Japanese food. The price of Japanese food is higher than that Korean food. When people eat a meal at a Japanese restaurant, they should pay lots of money for their meal. For example, the basic foods like rice, sashimi, and some sea food cost thirty-five dollars per person. However, Korean basic foods, rice, main stew, and lots of side dishes cost just ten dollars per person. Japanese fresh seafood has high valuable, so most people prefer going to a Japanese restaurant like Benihana. Nevertheless, it is expensive. Every person has his/her own appetite, someone want to eat Japanese food and the other want to eat Korean food. Both foods may seem to be similar, because they are made of almost same ingredients. However, each of them has their own recipe, taste, and style of eating. Even though Japanese food is expensive, people like to eat Japanese food.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Anne Frank :: Free Essay Writer

Anne Frank In 1933, the Nazis began to execute their plan to round up all the Jews within Europe and relocating them into concentration camps. There, they would be executed or forced to labor until death. In 1942, when the Nazis began to invade their country, the Frank family, who were Jewish, went into hiding in an attic of a warehouse and office building. The Franks' daughter, Anne, kept a diary throughout their entire stay in the so-called "Secret Annexe." Although all the members of the Frank family, except Mr. Otto Frank, perished during the reign of the Nazis, Anne's diary is still in existence today. Minutes before the Frank's were captured in their hiding place after a two-year stay, Anne wrote in her diary the words, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." How could a young girl who had endured so much torture say such a thing? The answer is in the story of her undying courage and hope. Before Anne Frank went into hiding, she lead a blissful and joyous life. She was always surrounded by friends and boys alike, and her family was well-to-do. She was torn away from her happiness and placed into the harsh and cruel reality of the Nazi's realm at only thirteen years of age. All this only because she was Jewish. She stayed locked up in the top level of the warehouse with her family and another for almost twenty-five months, never being able to step foot outside. Such repression and life of fear would make almost any teenager completely depressed and more miserable than words can say. However, Anne Frank managed to keep her hope for a better tomorrow and her respect for the human race — a feat so great for such a young girl. Anne made a very powerful statement in her last words in her beloved diary. To truly believe such a thing after being abused by the Nazis is quite remarkable, indeed. I am very sure that most people, including myself, would have thought that the world was completely corrupt and humans were naturally cruel if they'd have gone through such times. By saying that all people are really good at heart, she was also saying that the Nazis were truly good at heart. She didn't feel hatred for her abusers, but sympathy because they stooped so low and were so prejudiced and ignorant.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Can political parties adequately perform their functions within the British political system now that their memberships are so small? Within the British political system, there are three dominant political parties, Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. These political parties have become a vital part in carrying out the main functions of government. There are several factors, which can hinder political parties from performing their functions adequately. In this essay I will be focusing on the recent decline in party membership and the effects it has had on each of the functions. I will be discussing why they don’t perform their functions as well because the decline in party membership (finish this off) The division created between Britain’s major political parties and the electorate in recent years has been enormous. An indication of this is seen at the turn out of elections. In ‘2005, only 61.5% of voters cast their votes. This was the second worst turn out since 1918.’ People don’t associate themselves with political parties as much as they used to a few years ago. It seems as though the decline in turnout is due political parties themselves. Citizens should be encouraged by parties to get involved with politics. There are other factors, which initiate people to vote such as the sociological characters; class, religion and gender. However, it should be the parties that should address these issues in the first place. If particular political parties speak of an issue, which reflects the ideology of many, people are more likely interested and are more likely to participate and vote. However, because voters look at the ideologies of parties and if parties do not represent their ideologies, they are likely not to vote. Thi... ...r peers. You have a prime minister who gets to appoint bishops of a creed he does not believe in or even respect. I could go on and on, but suffice to say, whatever conditions kept the U.K. floating no longer exist. Quite why a priest should think that declining political party memberships is a bad thing though I have no idea. I suppose being a U.K. resident, there is confusion in thinking that the state and the Church have the same ends. If anything we should be happy that people - freed from party affiliation - will be more eager to the Gospel of the Church. Sadly, however, decreased party affiliation has come with an all-encompassing state, and it's hard to see how we'll penetrate the wall of misinformation that all 3 major parties have managed to create through control of the school system, public broadcasters, and a multitude of publicly-funded lobbying groups.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

He’s A Live Wire, Metaphor and Poetry Essay

The use of metaphor in poetry is one of the most important aspects of poetic style that must be mastered. Metaphor can be described as figure of speech in which a thing is referred to as being something that it resembles. From the perspectives of construction, poetic and cognitive function and working mechanism, where metaphor is constructed from human perceptual experience and is extended through imaginative processes. An important feature of cognitive stylistics has been its interest in the way we transfer mental constructs, and especially in the way we chart one mental representation onto another when we read texts. Cognitive linguists have consistently drawn attention to this system of conceptual transfer in both literary and in everyday discourse, and have identified important figures of speech, through which this conceptual transfer is carried out. Conceptual Metaphor, also called Cognitive Metaphor, was developed by researchers within the field of cognitive linguists. It became widely known with the publication of Metaphors We Live By, by Lakoff and Johnson, in 1980. Conceptual metaphor theory has since been developed and elaborated. Definition and Construction of Metaphor as we know, metaphor is a type of figurative language in which one thing is described in terms of some other thing. The word metaphor comes from Greek ‘metapherein’ which means carry over. Another translation is transference, a term more familiar to us from psychoanalytic theory (dictionary. com). In a metaphor, one of the basic senses of a form, the source domain, is used to grasp or explain a sense in a different domain, called target domain. The idea that we take attitudes from one area of experience and use them to approach and understand another is fundamental to human interactions with the world. In cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, or cognitive metaphor, refers to the understanding of one idea, or conceptual domain, in terms of another, for example, understanding quantity in terms of directionality. â€Å"She eats like a bird†. A conceptual domain can be any coherent organization of human experience. The regularity with which different languages employ the same metaphors, which often appear to be perceptually based, has led to the hypothesis that the mapping between conceptual domains corresponds to neural mappings in the brain. Some theorists have suggested that metaphors are not merely stylistic, but that they are cognitively important as well. In â€Å"Metaphors We Live by† by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson argue that metaphors are pervasive in everyday life, not just in language, but also in thought and action. A common definition of a metaphor can be described as a comparison that shows how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in another important way. They explain how a metaphor is simply for understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another. The authors call this concept a ‘conduit metaphor. ’ By this, they meant that a speaker can put ideas or objects into words or containers, and then send them along a channel, or conduit, to a listener who takes that idea or object out of the container and makes meaning of it. In other words, communication is something that ideas go into. The container is separate from the ideas themselves. Lakoff and Johnson give several examples of daily metaphors we use, such as â€Å"argument is war† and â€Å"time is money. † Metaphors are widely used in context to describe personal meaning. The authors also suggest that communication can be viewed as a machine: â€Å"Communication is not what one does with the machine, but is the machine itself. † (Johnson, Lakoff, 19) Concerned with its construction, metaphor is made up of three elements: Tenor- the subject under discussion, Vehicle –what the subject is compared to, Ground- what the poet believes the tenor and vehicle have in common. For instance, the metaphor â€Å" he’s a live wire†, â€Å"he† is the tenor, â€Å" live wire† is the vehicle and â€Å"is full of energy / is very lively/is potentially dangerous† is the ground. So far, many linguists have been attempting to elucidate the ways in which language reflects the manner in which human beings perceive, categorize and conceptualize the world. The result is like this: the more accurate, objective and literal the description is, the more elusive it may be. According to the linguist George Lakoff (Johnson, Lakoff,38), we use our basic bodily understanding of places, movements, forces, paths, objects and containers as sources of information about life, love, mathematics and all other abstract concepts. Cognitive linguists suggest that we use metaphor intuitively and unconsciously to understand the mind, emotions and all other abstract concepts. Such metaphors enable us, as embodied beings, to make sense of a concept such as mind, which we cannot see with our eyes or grasp with our hands. It allows us to take a view on the debate and to get to grips with the subject. Cognitive linguists suggest that, without such conventional metaphors, there would be no abstract thought. It also suggests that metaphors may privilege some understandings exclude others. Through field research, Lakoff has collected large numbers of metaphorical expressions. It is believed that these are derived from a smaller number of conceptual metaphors. Both creative, novel metaphors and dead, conventional metaphors are derived from conceptual metaphors. For Lakoff, the locus of metaphor is not in language at all, but in the way we conceptualize one mental domain in terms of another. For example: 1) Love is a journey. (This marriage is bad. ) The idiomatic expressions above, exemplifying two conceptual metaphors, are commonplace, non poetic and do not, perhaps, strike us as particularly metaphorical. We can say this marriage is in a rut and this statement is taken at literal value. If someone were to say, â€Å"Even a Massey Ferguson wouldn‘t have salvaged my marriage†, we hear the statement as something new. Metaphorically, an impediment to the continuation of a marriage is an impediment to a journey continuing, such as a rut. On a real journey, we might ask the local farmer to haul our car out of a rut with a tractor. To create a novel metaphor, essential for poetry and humor, the speaker has taken an aspect of the source of the conceptual metaphor that is not usually associated with the target. In doing so, the speaker has made the metaphor explicit and brought it back to life. In other words, metaphor is describing one thing in terms of some other. Its tenor and vehicle have similarities as well as difference. The most significant difference is that the two belong to different domains: tenor belongs to the source domain while vehicle belongs to the target domain. 2) The encyclopedia is a Gold mine. Here the encyclopedia and Gold mine are totally different, but they have similarity in a certain aspect. To say the encyclopedia is a gold mine is because both of them deserve hard digging thus forming a metaphor. Such kind of similarity should be limited to certain aspects otherwise; it cannot form a metaphor, 3) The encyclopedia is a dictionary. In this sentence, the encyclopedia and dictionary belong to the same category. Actually, the former is a subcategory of dictionary; therefore, it is not a metaphor. Theoretically speaking, the possibility of forming a metaphor depends on the difference between the two things. The more different they are, the more possible a metaphor they can be form. However, the extent of difference should also be restricted by its similarity. The more different they are, the more difficult it will be for people to understand the metaphor. Because of this, a ground is needed to offer necessary explanations. Generally speaking, vehicles’ characteristics are more specific and familiar to people, for example: 4) Architecture is solid music. As we know, music cannot be seen or touched but people still can understand it. By employing an abstract and invisible thing to define a concrete and specific object, this sentence gives the readers a sense of distance as well as a poetic conception. Therefore, a metaphor is a process of mapping between two different conceptual domains. The different domains are known as the target domain and the source domain. The target domain is the topic or concept that you want to describe through the metaphor while the source domain refers to the concept that you draw upon in order to create the metaphorical construction. In his influential study of the poetic structure of the human mind, Gibbs highlights the important part metaphor plays in our everyday conceptual thought. Metaphors are not some kind of distorted literal thought, but rather are basic schemes by which people conceptualize their experience and their external world. Figurative language generally, which also includes irony, is found throughout speech and writing; moreover, it does not require for its use any special intellectual talent or any special rhetorical situation (Gibbs, 21). Indeed, the fact that many metaphors pass us by in everyday social interaction is well illustrated by this unwitting slip by a venerable British sports commentator: We didn’t have metaphors in my day. We didn’t beat about the bush. Metaphor is simply a natural part of conceptual thought and although undoubtedly an important feature of creativity, it should not be seen as a special or exclusive feature of literary discourse. In other words, metaphors are a cognitive process being seen in language in our everyday lives; metaphors shape not just our communication, but also shape the way we think and act. Conceptual metaphors are used very often to understand theories and models. A conceptual metaphor uses one idea and links it to another to better understand something. For example, the conceptual metaphor of viewing communication as a conduit is one large theory explained with a metaphor. So not only is our everyday communication shaped by the language of conceptual metaphors, but so is the very way we understand scholarly theories. These metaphors are prevalent in communication and we do not just use them in language; we actually perceive and act in accordance with the metaphors. A metaphor is simply for understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another, and the speaker could put ideas or objects into words or containers, and then send them along a channel, or conduit, to a listener who takes that idea or object out of the container and makes meaning of it. In other words, communication is something that ideas go into. The container is separate from the ideas themselves. Therefore, metaphors are matter of thought and not merely of language: hence, the term conceptual metaphor. The metaphor may seem to consist of words or other linguistic expressions that come from the terminology of the more concrete conceptual domain, but conceptual metaphors underlie a system of related metaphorical expressions that appear on the linguistic surface. Similarly, the mappings of a conceptual metaphor are themselves motivated by image schemas which pre-linguistic schemas are concerning space, time, moving, controlling, and other core elements of embodied human experience. Conceptual metaphors typically employ a more abstract concept as target and a more concrete or physical concept as their source. For instance, metaphors such as ‘the days [the more abstract or target concept] ahead’ or ‘giving my time’ rely on more concrete concepts, thus expressing time as a path into physical space, or as a substance that can be handled and offered as a gift. Different conceptual metaphors tend to be invoked when the speaker is trying to make a case for a certain point of view or course of action. For instance, one might associate â€Å"the days ahead† with leadership, whereas the phrase â€Å"giving my time† carries stronger connotations of bargaining. Selection of such metaphors tends to be directed by a subconscious or implicit habit in the mind of the person employing them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Castle

Blue collar Kerrigan home, is filled with love as well as pride for their modest lifestyle, but their happiness is threatened when developers attempt the compulsory acquisition of their house to expand the neighbouring Melbourne Airport. 3 high view crescent, Coolaroo – not aesthetically pleasing ‘eyesore’ opening shot shows sense of pride (satire) Despite all this, sweet-natured family patriarch Darryl (Michael Caton) believes that he lives in the lap of luxury. Blissfully unaware of his family’s lack of style or sophistication, he busies himself by driving a tow truck, racing greyhounds and constantly adding tacky renovations to the house.Kerrigan clan shares and supports his enthusiasm in every way. Though he has no wish to sell, points out faults of the house with pride, believing they would add value. Iconic Australian film, Title – Castle; home figuratively castle, humble household cause humour, Genre – humorous, comedy, satire (mock/ ri dicule something), Kerrigans – main family, Working class family, Low budget film, Melbourne setting next to airport – house built on toxic landfill, beneath power lines, Events told by son Dale Kerrigan p. o. , Australian culture/ identity, Made in 1997 Rob Sitch, Michael Caton father, Stephen Curry son, Humour: created by self-image of Australians – blue collar workers – concept of working class Aus and their place modern Australia, Refers to land rights movement of aboriginals, Darryl Kerrigan draws on explicit parallel between his struggle and the Aboriginal people Mabo case Main Ideas/ Themes; Justice, Class division, Inequality, Family, Marginalisation of working class by large corporate groups, Value of memories and place as opposed to monetary value, Man’s struggle for equality and justice, Exploitation of disempowered groups (working class) by the empowered group, A satirical view of suburban working class life – home is where the h eart is, ,Importance of family and community, unity, comment on the fabric of Australian society, A home is a place of belonging – we find our home most when we lose it, represent self identity An idiosyncratic (habits peculiar to them) and loving family who face the challenges presented by ‘compulsory acquisition’ house gets taken forcefully, Identity of working class family and their triumph at conquering the system, Humour created by what is described and what we actually see on the screen – tells us how marvellous when really it isn’t yet so serious when describing it, Aussie battler, working class, constructed through Darryl, Mateship, ommunity spirit (looking after Jack who is vulnerable), Outdoors, Bonnie Doon, nature, holidays, Sport, fishing shots of father and son, Myths – Australia is an egalitarian (not equal) society, Xenophobia – fear of foreigners through Lebanese neighbour, Urban warrior – fight for rights, justi ce, Tall poppy syndrome – one thinks is better than the rest , Myth of lucky country – disempowered by their ethnicity and age, Jack and Farouk, value; home, sense of place, respect, trust loyalty Construction of Aussie Battler; Plight of working class; Exploitation of working class by gov’t and large corporations, Challenges to authority, Uncovering the myth of the egalitarian society (not equal) Representation of setting; Bonnie Doon; Small town, on big lake, holiday home ‘serenity’ escape from life, stillness, quiet, desolate, barren, powerlines, insect-zapper-ironic-noisy, Images family bonding – gender representation, Simplicity of family – easily satisfied Representation of Setting – City scrapers; Canberra: high camera angles, tall city building, symbolism of power, imposing, sombre, grey, foreboding, ominous.Contrast to Bonnie Doon and high view crescent Courtroom: positioning on judge-elevated to establish power. Darryl down below signalling disempowerment. Sterile, very formal. Symbolises authority, justice, truth. Hammill says it ‘should be fair. ’ Difference in class structure evident through discourse, responses, Dennis Denuto’s office: lacks professionalism, small, claustrophobic, photocopier doesn’t work, messy, disorganised. City Street: â€Å"cheap smokes† on sign, written code, busy, claustrophobic, noise, a contrast to their suburb Dennis supporting Lawrence Hammill; Clearly Dennis doesn’t understand the complexities of the crown court and he attempts to mirror the actions of the defence lawyer, Humour vs. Satire – criticising and making fun of.Lawrence Hammill; Represents character who is prepared to take on the establishment , we warm to him because he doesn’t do it for personal gain, He fulfils the stereotype of his gender and class, being old and wise, His wisdom allows â€Å"the battler† or â€Å"working man† to ta ke on bureaucracy, His skilful argument allows justice and humility to prevail therefore and as an audience we quickly warm to those positive attributes of his character, We are impressed by his honesty, dignity and the friendship and support he offers the Kerrigan family The Ending; An archetypal happy ending, we begin the scene as outsides viewing the party from the outside the house, the shot framed by the window, The arration from Dale describes the occasion as â€Å"one of the biggest party’s ever that night back at home†, It is important in the context of the film, that, despite the large amount of people the party should be held in home that is the central contention of the film, Con’s dialogue with Dennis adds humour to the scene when he says that: â€Å"this case has totally regained my faith in the legal system†, After this story board we could consider th representation of the Australian family Recurring figure in Australian films; â€Å"Typic al† Aussie bloke reflected in the behaviour of the male characters in this scene. Darryl takes on the traits of the bush myth – he values mateship, despises authority, bureaucratic institutions and snobbery

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Psychology Milgram experiment Essay

As a participant in Milgram’s (1963) study I would be tormented at the thought of inflicting pain to another person, I also would at least think about whether what I am doing is right and whether the experiment was really genuine or it was some macabre experiment bent on torturing other people. I would probably be one of the few in Milgram’s (1963) study who refused raising the voltage of electric shocks and maybe be among those who balked out of the experiment due to anxiety and guilt. After the debriefing, I would feel deceived and angry with the researcher because I was put through an ordeal that did not really happen. The experiment required that the researcher prod the participant to inflict more electric shocks, and I would probably base my willingness to push the button on the cries of the learner. I would surely refuse the researcher’s demands because I know I am not doing the right thing. On the other hand, if the debriefing would explain why deception was necessary, I would understand the experiment and maybe not hold it against the researcher. However, I am sure that I would still feel deceived and manipulated; it would be an experience that would stay with me for a long time and may even influence how I perceive experiments and researchers. If I was part of an ethics review committee, I would not consider Milgram’s (1963) study as acceptable and protective of participants because aside from debriefing, he did not have any other safeguard procedure to protect the participants. In Milgram’s (1963) study, the shrieks and cries of the learner increased the anxiety and guilt of the participant, and I think it was deliberately designed to evoke the feelings of anxiety of the participants no matter how he argued that the effects of the experiment to the participants were not anticipated. The learners were told to respond to the electric shock as if it was actually happening to them making it more believable to the participant, and by doing so; it also led the participant to believe that they are actually causing that reaction to the learners. Therefore, the potential benefits gained from the study does not outweigh the sufferings that it brought to the participants, and ethically, it does not justify the use of deception (Spata, 2003), the debriefing was also conducted late wherein the participants had already believed that they were responsible for another person’s pain and it failed to protect the welfare of the participants. Without the criticisms and reactions against the experiment on obedience, the ethical issue of using deception in experiments would have not been given attention. At present the American Psychological Association (APA, 2003) have only allowed deception when alternative procedures that are nondeceptive are not available and only if the potential benefits and knowledge gained from the research outweighs the risks of the effects of deception to the participants. In addition, deception is not allowed if the experiment would likely inflict physical and emotional distress to the participants.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Comparing ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ with ‘Hop Frog’ Essay

‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ and ‘Hop Frog’ were both written at a time of social turbulence and revolution. Poe wrote Hop Frog twelve years prior to the American civil war, so it is fitting that many of the ideas in the story carry a strong anti-slavery message. Similarly, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ was written in 1892 just before the climax of equal-rights for women. Gillman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is one of the early feminist texts in which her writing criticises the position that women were oppressed into and the ignorance of society as a whole. Both Gillman and Poe attack fiercely these ideas that were both upheld and willingly accepted by the majority of society. These two settings immediately portray the two central characters, a woman and a slave, as two of an unheard minority, who were subjected to an unjust, patriarchal world. One of the main similarities between ‘Hop Frog’ and ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is the atmosphere of each of the stories. Both are horror stories are very dark, and have a horror genre, however ‘Hop Frog’ is also similar to a fairy tale in that it is quite unbelievable, and where Hop Frog’s surroundings are fantasy, the narrator’s surroundings are quite real. Despite their differences, both of the story’s surroundings and atmosphere are symbolic of the way the central character is feeling or being treated. For example, gluttony and corruption of the king and his ministers surround Hop Frog and Poe’s darkly vivid descriptions of these reflect the mood of Hop-Frog. The ‘oily’ ministers and a ‘corpulent’ king sound simply grotesque and fill the reader with a sort of stomach churning unease and tension at the treatment of Hop Frog. The corruptness and gluttony is hugely significant as it shows us the danger and easiness of becoming influenced and eventually corrupted by greed and alcohol. The narrator of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ has instead a room. It is describes as having ‘barred’ widows and a ‘nailed down’ bed, which give the impression of a prison rather than a place to become well again in. In fact the room actually does become a prison for the narrator, becoming more and more horrible as the story progresses. By the repetitive use of the word, ‘joke’ in the first paragraph Poe emphasises the discomfort of Hop Frog as well as achieving a hugely tense atmosphere. This makes the reader, who realises that this seemingly jovial and harmless behaviour of the king and his courtiers is in fact, a lot more damaging and sinister, feel the tension and discomfort that Hop Frog endures. Like Hop Frog, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ also has a tense atmosphere achieved by the speeded up pace of the story and the very short sentences, which flit from one idea to another. These short sentences show the alertness of the narrator’s mind as well as her increasing madness as she is left with no stimulation other than her own thoughts. As the story progresses the narrator’s madness grows and consequently her surroundings become more and more an extension of her own nightmarish imagination, eventually becoming as fantastical as Hop Frog’s. Throughout the story, the wallpaper in the room is a metaphor for the narrator’s illness and as her insanity grows, the wallpaper becomes more and more hideous. At the beginning of the story, it is described as ‘horrible wallpaper’. Her initial rejection of the wallpaper, shown when the narrator says; ‘I don’t like our room’ and asks John ‘Let us go downstairs’, is indicative of her want to get better and her rejection of insanity. The wallpaper is described as having a ‘sickly sulphur tint’, representing her illness, and appears to grow, ‘fungus’ and ‘toadstools’ suggests that her illness is growing, whilst ‘Budding’ and ‘sprouting’ suggest the continuity of this growth. Despite the fact that the images of the wallpaper worsen as time goes on, the narrator quickly becomes obsessed by it, spending hours studying it. The narrator describes how ‘It dwells on my mind so’. Eventually, the narrator becomes so mad, that it is as if she is schizophrenic. She begins to see herself in the wallpaper as a ‘woman’, ‘stooping down’ and ‘creeping behind the pattern’. As time progresses, the ‘ faint woman’ becomes clearer and stronger as the narrator becomes weaker. This shows her sane self, losing the battle to her insane self. Despite the awful surroundings, outside of her ‘barred’ windows lies the garden. In contrast to the wallpaper, the garden represents the narrator’s hope of freedom. The garden is described as ‘delicious’ and where everything in the wallpaper is bad and infectious, everything in the garden is good and healing. However the narrator is locked away with her illness and is unable to reach the garden, which holds the key to her freedom, ‘How I wish he [John] would let me go’ she tel ls us. This creates dramatic irony, as everyone knows what the narrator needs, including the narrator herself, except the narrator’s own husband John. Just as the wallpaper and the narrator’s madness increase as the story progresses, the behavior of the king towards Hop Frog worsens. This is shown by Poe’s descriptions of the king, starting as ‘our king’, turning into a ‘tyrant’ and becoming finally a ‘monster’. By describing the king in this way, the reader is not only made to feel sympathy for Hop Frog by portraying him as a powerless victim of this cruel abuse, but also make us forgive his final act of revenge, which is in fact utterly terrible. The King and his ministers are abusive and exploitative towards Hop Frog and Trippetta. Poe illustrates this particularly by the reference to alcohol, The king takes advantage of Hop Frog’s intolerance to wine ‘it excited the poor cripple almost to madness’ and sadistically ‘ he took pleasure in forcing the cripple to drink’. Poe describes how Hop Frog was forced ‘to be merry’ as it was the ‘poor dwarfs birthday’ and he is made to obey the ‘command to drink to absent friends’, which ‘forced tears to his eyes’. This is incredibly ironic, as Hop Frog is not with his friend because he is a slave in the court of the king. In ‘the yellow wallpaper’, the narrator’s ‘monster’ is her own husband, John, ‘a physician’. He ignorantly suffocates his wife, leaving her with no option but to escape into her own madness. He threatens her with ‘Weir Mitchell’ who was renowned for treating women with this ‘temporary nervousness’. The narrator describes how he is ‘like john and my brother, only more so’, showing her wish not to be sent to him. John also keeps the narrator away from human contact, starving her of any stimulation or interaction. Despite his obvious love for her he treats her like a possession, this is shown when he fails to regard her as a human being by addressing her as ‘she’ as if she isn’t even there. This also symbolises the fact that he has slowly removed her identity. John regards his wife with little more intelligence than a child, shown by his constantly patronising tone. He calls her ‘little goose’ and ‘little girl’ as well as remarking ‘bless her’ as if she is little older than five. John also shows himself to be really rather selfish when he implores her ‘get well for me’. Despite everything, we have to believe that John really does love his wife and wants to help her. But it is through John that Gillman makes a very poignant observation of the way in which society treats women, pointing out the real danger of ignorance. The Narrator in ‘The Yellow wallpaper’ is portrayed as an extremely bright creative woman, despite the way John regards her. She expresses her thoughts and releases some of the energy that she is so full of through writing. However John forbids that she should write, the narrator tells us ‘I am absolutely forbidden to ‘work†. The narrator herself tells us herself that ‘excitement and change would do me good’. Instead of excitement and change the narrator is confined to her bed and made to sleep most of the day ‘I lie down ever so much now’, ‘John thinks it’s good for me’. However, it is not good for her and the narrator describes how ‘I don’t sleep much at night’, showing the disturbance of her mind. This results in the narrator having an enormous amount of pent up energy which, when combined with her inability to express herself creates enormous tension in the story. As the narrator searches frantically for an outlet for her imagination she inevitably becomes mad seeking the much-needed stimulation within the wallpaper. The narrator’s inability to express herself can be compared with Hop Frog’s loss of control to the king when he is ‘forced’ to drink. Hop Frog is described as being driven to ‘madness’ by the wine, and ‘madness’ Poe reminds us ‘is no comfortable feeling’. In both stories the position of women is severely criticized. In ‘Hop Frog’, Trippetta’s position as both a slave and a woman is exploited. Her ‘grace’ and ‘exquisite beauty’ is described as being ‘universally admired’. Poe describes how she was ‘admired’ and ‘petted’ suggesting the shocking abuse she is subject to. Poe describes how the king ‘threw the entire contents of the goblet in her face’, suggesting the complete humiliation that she suffered. In ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, we are introduced to Jennie who is the sister of John. She is described as a ‘perfect’ and ‘enthusiastic housekeeper’. Typically of a nineteenth century Lady, Jennie is subservient accepting her position willingly and gratefully. Gillman describes how she ‘hopes for no better profession’. Jennie represents the women of society who have grown to accept and are either to weak or to scared to rebel against a life that is no better than that of a slave’s. The narrator’s position as a woman is very similar to Hop Frogs. She is treated as a possession by her husband John and is seen to have no real opinions or views. She describes how the ‘heads’ that she sees are ‘strangle[d]’ by the wallpaper, ‘turns them up side down’ and ‘turns their eyes white’. This is very much inactive of the way both she and the other women of society feel suffocated and oppressed by their position. Both stories are written in first person narrative, which makes them a lot more personal. ‘Hop Frog’ is told by an anonymous Narrator, an onlooker, whilst ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is written like a diary with the narrator, a woman suffering from post-natal depression being the central character. Semi-Autobiographical, the story is loosely based on Perkins own experiences. The narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ remains nameless meaning that the narrator could be any woman in society. It is also a metaphor for the identity that has been lost through her illness and the ignorance of her husband, John. Both the characters are the victims of ignorance. ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ shows the ignorance of society about post-natal depression and the fact that no one is prepared to accept what the narrator is suffering from. Her ‘case is not serious’ we are told. The result of this ignorance is that the narrator’s condition is not cured but instead made worse. She is taken for a rest cure and deprived of interaction with people and stimulation. Her creativity is crushed when she is forbidden to write. This inability to express herself, had dire consequences; instead of recovering she instead she begins to descend further and further into her own madness. The wallpaper in her room, which gradually becomes more and more disturbing as her madness increases, shows this. This can be compared to Hop Frog who because of his difference in appearance is treated appallingly. The central characters of each story are portrayed as prisoners the narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is portrayed as a prisoner, trapped by her social position; as a woman, by her mental illness and by her own husband. Through her story, Gillman attacks an extremely patriarchal society. She criticises the lack of respect for women and shows her anger towards the inability of women to escape from the position they are oppressed to. The room in which the narrator is put in, in order to rest and recover from her illness is very much symbolic of her imprisonment. It is described as having ‘barred’ windows and the bedstead as ‘iron’, ‘heavy’ and ‘nailed to the ground’ representing her being tied down. The fact that the room was ‘a nursery first’, is very ironic; Firstly because she has no contact with her own baby and secondly because she has literally been reduced to the position of a child. Similarly, Hop Frog and his fiend Trippetta are salves, whom Poe tells us, were ‘forcibly carried off’ from their ‘barbarous region’ and ‘sent’, ‘as presents to the king’. This is reminiscent of the situation of many black slaves who were taken from Africa to the west at this time, in order to further the endeavours of rich, greedy men at as low a cost a possible. The reality of what faced them ahead was a harsh, cruel life of constant work with no freedom or rights as a human being. However, it is surely wrong that one person should have freedom whilst another is an enslaved possession because they are different. This injustice is shown in the story by the King’s inability to accept Hop Frog as a person, in appearance he is different and so is treated as an object, a possession. Poe describes him as a ‘monkey’ and a ‘squirrel’ and suggest that Hop Frog is begging for food ‘crumbs from the roya l table’. The result this is that Hop Frog is shown to be like a begging animal which serves to ease the King’s conscience at mocking Hop Frog, if he is not a person then he does not have feelings. Both Hop Frog and Trippetta are dwarfed and Hop Frog is a ‘cripple’ and Walks with an ‘ interjectional gait’, which comes across as quite funny when it is further described as ‘somewhere between a leap and a wriggle’. Despite this Hop Frog’s ‘value was trebled in the eyes of the king’ and the king, ‘who live only for joking’ exploits Hop Frog’s physical disabilities. It is therefor ironic that Hop Frog becomes the court ‘fool’ which is a metaphor for the fact that he is laughed at by the King. The idea of Hop Frog being mocked for the way he walks is shocking and through this Poe shows the unease of society at the treatment of the slaves. The King’s immoral behaviour mirrors that of the slave traders in America and Europe. Hop Frog’s physical disability can be compared to the narrator’s madness. The endings of each story are hugely significant and it is perhaps through the ending that we see the characters in their true light. Throughout ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ the narrator has drifted in and out of her sane mind, she tells us once ‘I always lock the door before I creep’. Up until this point the narrator has not accepted that it is herself who is creeping, instead putting it down to the ‘woman’. But by the end, she is telling us how she is creeping round and round and round the room. Both a ‘rope’ and an ‘axe’ are mentioned, and John ‘faints’ when he sees the destruction of the room and of his wife. It is quite possible that either of them are dead, however Gillman leaves the ending ambiguous. As well as amplifying the uncertainty of the woman, this could also be down to the fact that Gillman, despite her feminist views, was still a woman in the nineteenth century. She did she want to demonize her character by making her murder her husband no could she afford to openly state that the husband was literally overpowered by his wife. Gillman would not want to upset her feminist audience either, who would be outraged if the narrator killed herself due to the fact that she is such a powerful symbol of a woman wanting to rebel against her oppression. For her to commit suicide would dishearten a lot of these women as it would look as if suicide was the only way out. It seems as if this ending was right for the character who despite becoming insane, is finally happy and tells us with utter satisfaction ‘I got out’. Whatever the reason for this ending, there is no doubt that despite the fact that this ending is truly horrific it also comes with a degree of relief. For with the narrator’s madness comes freedom, and more importantly, the woman finds her identity. Ironically this is not her former self, who is finally named as Jane, but another person; her insanity. Whilst ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ remains ambiguous, the ending of ‘Hop frog’ is completely literal. Because eof the fact that Poe is a man, he can afford to take more liberties that perhaps Gillman was unable to take. He can openly humiliate and torture the king and the court, who represent the corrupt monarchy; an important part of society, and appear to get away with this. Hop Frog is portrayed as demonic and evil. He achieves his freedom by brutally killing the King and his ministers. Under the guise of the stupid ‘fool’ he tricks the king and his ministers into thinking that they are dressing up and covers them in tar and flax. The fact that Poe uses tar and Flax is of great significance as it is symbolic of humiliation and punishment throughout history. Hop Frog then chained them together to become the ‘eight chained orangutans’. Hop frog shows himself to be very intelligent when, ‘at the dwarfs suggestion, the keys had been deposited with him’, in contrast with the stupidity of the King. Poe describes how the they are humiliated when the chains cause them to ‘fall’ and ‘stumble’, The King and his Ministers have gone form mocking Hop Frog to being mocked themselves Hop Frog then suspends them from the ceiling at the ball and burns them alive. The fact that throughout the story Hop Frog never had the presence that the evil King had means that we would not immediately suspect Hop frog. When the ‘grating’ noise was first introduced, the reader did not think that it could be Hop Frog. However at the end when Hop Frog is perched on the rope with the burning king and ministers below him the ‘grating noise’ came form the ‘fang like teeth of the dwarf’, ‘who ground and gnashed them as he foamed at the mouth’. This is an insane a picture as that of the narrator. Hop frog rising up against the king is a complete reversal of roles, the oppressed has become the oppressor. However how is it possible that Poe can get away with this ending without his central character looking like the vengeful murder that he has become? It is perhaps because all-thorough the story, the treatment of Hop Frog as well as his situation has been described as Horrendous, horrific and brutal, evoking incredi ble sympathy in the reader. As if this isn’t reason enough, Poe threw in the added ploy of alcohol, which appears to demonize Hop Frog. Therefor when Hop Frog commits this terrible act, he is immediately forgiven whilst we all revel in the torture that the king and his ministers now incur. In the eyes of the reader justice has been done. Perhaps through his ending, Poe is forecasting what is to come, when the black slaves will rise up against their own white oppressors. It is therefor interesting that n order to truly punish and humiliate them, Hop Frog turns them first black. Like Gillman, Poe does not want to demonize the female character, leaving the question of Trippetta’s involvement up to the reader to answer.