Sunday, February 16, 2020

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 32

Response - Essay Example instead, took advantage of it to create perspective and to intensify and stress the dramatic subjects, which is the artistry of science fiction in the author’s opinion. I agree with the author’s claim that we are currently living in a world where there is a blur between the past, present, and future. But such reality is still hidden to many of us. As stated by the author â€Å"†¦these shows were important to a degree and achieved cult status but it never encapsulated reality or capture a single theme or idea that made a show prestigious to a wider audience† (Gasoline Sky para 2). The author is clearly criticizing viewers for taking for granted the larger themes of science fiction shows like BSG. In general, the article is enlightening, interesting, and informative. It also offers a somewhat objective analysis of the political (e.g. terrorism) and religious (e.g. polytheism vs. monotheism) aspects in the thematic agenda of the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Progressive Era Through the Great Depression Research Paper

Progressive Era Through the Great Depression - Research Paper Example However, we can say that the timing was a bit different across various nations. This was the most wide spread, deepest and longest depression within the twentieth century. This period of immense depression started in the United States starting with a fall in stock prices and the subsequent crash of the stock market and then spread to the other nations of the world (Bernanke, 2000). This period of depression had devastating effects in many nations that it hit characterizing a plunge in international trade, a rise in the unemployment levels with magnificent falls in prices and profits. The various developmental industries got hit hard causing collapse of some. Historical turning points of the enormous depression mainly concentrated on the measures that brought about a halt that reversed the trend and effects of the depression. In most nations, the acclaimed depression recovery started at around the year 1933 and took over a decade to return the economy back to normal and stability. Roosevelt’s introduction of the new deals policies was the first principal cause and accelerator of the recovery process. However, they lacked aggressiveness to return the economy back to normal. Such policies were inclusive of the banking act of 1935. The advent of the World War II also favored the reverse of depression and raise in the economy as government spending on the war stopped and the funds reverted to rising of the economy.